Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
South Korea

Making The Goal in Half The Time

I set my mind on a financial goal before arriving in Korea, and I’ve been true to reaching it. I’m thankful for the financial discipline I have. I came here on a one year contract not aware of the bear trap I was stepping into. But you know what? It doesn’t matter! In 83 days, …


A Tuesday Afternoon: Day In The Life Of A TEFL Teacher Abroad

Reflecting It is Tuesday afternoon. I am sitting at a bus stop in the little town of Yukdan-ri. I have completed my day of teaching at Geunnam Elementary School. Now, I’m just sitting here relaxing, reflecting. I’ve been on my feet, in flats, most of the day. It feels great to sit down and rest …


A Tuesday Afternoon

Reflecting It is Tuesday afternoon. I am sitting at a bus stop in the little town of Yukdan-ri. I have completed my day of teaching at Geunnam Elementary School. Now, I’m just sitting here relaxing, reflecting. I’ve been on my feet, in flats, most of the day. It feels great to sit down and rest …


I Got The Job: Now I’m An EPIK Teacher

My EPIK teacher life It’s official. I am an EPIK teacher in South Korea! No more hospital lab work. I’ve gotten TEFL certified and cleared to teach English in South Korea. Since I’ll be away for a while and having a new life experience, I decided to start this blog to chronicle the happenings of …


I’m An EPIK Teacher

My EPIK teacher life It’s officiIt’s official. I am an EPIK teacher in South Korea! No more hospital lab work. I’ve gotten TEFL certified and cleared to teach English in South Korea. I decided to start this blog to chronicle the happenings of my first expat experience, and to keep friends and family abreast of …

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